Start your community for free

๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿผ Create a Community

No credit card required

Everything you need to build your community and grow your brand.

  • Up to 100 members
  • Unlimited spaces
  • 1 Administrator Seat
  • Discussions, Voting and Q&A spaces
  • Rich member profiles
  • Private spaces
  • Custom branding
  • Email notifications
  • Member management
  • Search & filter
  • Support Community Membership
  • Moderation & Profanity filters

Need more? Upgrade to Pro

Get unlimited members and our best features for only $79/mo billed annually or $99 monthly

Advanced AI Analysis

Unlock advanced AI analysis tools to understand your community better.

Custom Domain

Personalize your community with a custom domain name.

10 Admin/Moderator Seats

Invite team members to collaborate on community management.

Dedicated Support

Get dedicated Pro support from our team of experts.

Unlimited Uploads

Remove the free-tier 10 MB per file size limit.

Advanced Integrations

Connect seamlessly with other apps via our Zapier integration.

UX Research Experts

Add a Research Expert

Hire from our team of expert research moderators to help you design your community and engage your members โ€” including community setup, recruiting and screening participants, moderating discussions, and helping you analyze the data. We manage the your research community end-to-end so you can focus on growing your business.
๐Ÿงช Book a Free Consultation
Expert researcher service starts at $599

Frequently asked questions

How does the free tier work?
We offer a free tier with up to 100 members that doesn't require a credit card. You can get started with FreeHumans for free and upgrade to Pro at any time.
What are my payment options?
We accept all major credit cards and PayPal. Customers on the annual plans can pay by invoice via wire transfer or ACH.
If I donโ€™t like FreeHumans Pro, can I request a refund?
We always offer a 30-day, 100% money back guarantee. If for any reason, you decide that FreeHumans isnโ€™t the right fit for your community, just let us know! Weโ€™ll give you a full refund, no questions asked.
What's your cancellation policy?
You can cancel your subscription whenever you like, with no penalties. However, we do not offer refunds for a billing period youโ€™ve already paid for after our initial 30 day money back guarantee.
Are there any additional fees?
No. FreeHumans communities has no limits on members or posts - your costs are fixed and predictable. Just like you, we don't like surprises.
Can I get a discount as a non-profit?
If you are a registered non-profit, we offer a 20% discount on annual plans. We also offer a 20% discount to startups and educational institutions. Contact us to learn more.
Is it hard to switch to FreeHumans?
Not at all! If you're on a paid annual plan, FreeHumans provides free migration assistance to help you switch from other tools.
What if I need enterprise features?
We offer custom plans for enterprise customers such as SSO with SAML, OAuth, integrations, AI writing tools, insights, data compliance, API access, SLAs, custom mobile apps and more. Please contact us for more information.